Python Reflex quick reference

Artifact Description Centers content within its container
rx.heading Defines a heading
rx.input Creates an input field
rx.button Creates a button
rx.vstack Stacks elements vertically
rx.cond Conditionally renders content
rx.image Displays an image
rx.window_alert Shows an alert message
rx.text Displays a text element
rx.hstack Stacks elements horizontally A container for layout
rx.grid Defines a grid layout Creates a hyperlink
rx.icon Displays an icon
rx.card Displays a card component
rx.list Creates a list
rx.modal Creates a modal dialog
rx.tooltip Displays a tooltip
rx.form Creates a form
rx.navbar Defines a navigation bar
rx.sidebar Defines a sidebar
rx.footer Defines a footer
rx.alert Displays an alert message
rx.spinner Shows a loading spinner
rx.table Creates a table
rx.dropdown Creates a dropdown menu
rx.toggle Creates a toggle switch
rx.slider Creates a slider for input
rx.avatar Displays an avatar image
rx.progress Displays a progress bar
rx.badge Displays a badge element
rx.plotly Integrates Plotly charts Creates a select dropdown
rx.chart_gen Generates charts based on data
rx.wrap_radix_icons Wraps Radix icons for use in the application
rx.mutable_proxy Handles mutable objects like lists, dicts, and sets
rx.computed_vars Defines computed variables for runtime calculations
rx.alert_dialog Creates an alert dialog box
rx.aspect_ratio Maintains a consistent aspect ratio for an element
rx.avatar_group Groups multiple avatar images together
rx.badge Displays a badge with additional information
rx.breadcrumb Creates a breadcrumb navigation element
rx.breadcrumb_item Represents a single item in a breadcrumb
rx.breadcrumb_link Creates a link in a breadcrumb item
rx.checkbox Creates a checkbox input
rx.collapse Creates a collapsible section of content
rx.color_mode_script Manages light and dark color modes
rx.control_box A box for custom control components
rx.css_reset Resets default CSS styles
rx.drawer Creates a sliding drawer component
rx.drawer_body Defines the body of a drawer
rx.drawer_header Defines the header of a drawer
rx.drawer_overlay Creates an overlay for the drawer
rx.flex A flexible container for layout
rx.icon_button A button that displays an icon
rx.input_group Groups multiple input fields together
rx.input_right_element Adds an element to the right side of an input Creates a dropdown menu
rx.menu_button A button that triggers a dropdown menu
rx.menu_item A single item within a dropdown menu
rx.menu_list The list of items in a dropdown menu
rx.menu_divider A divider between items in a dropdown menu
rx.number_input Creates a numeric input field
rx.number_input_field The field for entering numbers
rx.popover Creates a popover element
rx.popover_trigger Element that triggers a popover
rx.popover_content Content within a popover A single radio button
rx.radio_group A group of radio buttons
rx.range_slider A slider for selecting a range of values Creates a dropdown select menu
rx.simple_grid A simplified grid layout
rx.stat Displays statistical data
rx.stat_group Groups multiple stat components
rx.switch Creates a switch/toggle button
rx.tabs Creates a tabbed interface A single tab in a tabbed interface
rx.tab_list The list of tabs
rx.tab_panel The panel for displaying tab content
rx.tab_panels A container for tab panels
rx.tag Creates a tag/label component
rx.toast Displays toast notifications
rx.tooltip Displays a tooltip with additional information
rx.visually_hidden Hides elements visually while keeping them accessible
rx.skeleton Placeholder loading component
rx.data_list Displays key-value pairs
rx.alert_dialog_footer Footer section of an alert dialog
rx.alert_dialog_header Header section of an alert dialog
rx.alert_dialog_body Body section of an alert dialog
rx.animated_box A box with animation capabilities
rx.code Displays code snippets with syntax highlighting
rx.kbd Represents a keyboard shortcut
rx.progress_bar Displays a progress bar
rx.spacer Adds space between elements
rx.wrap Wraps elements, handling overflow
rx.date_picker A date picker component
rx.editable Editable text component
rx.editable_preview Preview state of editable text
rx.editable_input Input state of editable text
rx.grid_item Defines a single grid item
rx.form_control Wrapper for form controls
rx.form_label Label for form controls
rx.form_error_message Displays error messages for form controls
rx.form_helper_text Displays helper text for form controls
rx.grid_template_rows Defines row templates for a grid layout
rx.grid_template_cols Defines column templates for a grid layout
rx.image_button A button that displays an image
rx.inline_alert Displays inline alert messages
rx.multi_step_form Form component that supports multiple steps
rx.multi_step_form_step Defines a single step in a multi-step form
rx.progress_circle Displays a circular progress indicator
rx.radio_button A button that behaves like a radio button
rx.sticky Makes an element sticky (fixed on scroll)
rx.tag_close_button A button to close/remove a tag
rx.textarea Multi-line text input
rx.tooltip_arrow Arrow element for a tooltip
rx.tooltip_content Content within a tooltip
rx.visibility_sensor Tracks the visibility of an element
rx.wizard A wizard component for step-by-step workflows
rx.wizard_step A single step in a wizard component
rx.datatable Displays tabular data
rx.moment Handles date and time formatting
rx.scrollarea Creates a scrollable area for content Embeds an audio player Embeds a video player
rx.dropdownmenu Creates a dropdown menu
rx.hovercard Displays a card when hovering over an element
rx.quote Displays a quote
rx.strong Emphasizes text (typically bold)